Pranav Mayuram
Computer Science student at University of Michigan Ann Arbor in the School of Engineering.
Full stack web developer looking for opportunities to further enhance my back-end knowledge.
Work heavily with Node.js, Angular.js, and Couchbase Server for scalable, useable applications.
I feel like I've done some interesting things, so scroll down to find out more about me.
Major: Computer Science in the School of Engineering (2018)
Minor: Complex Systems (Differential Calculus within Social Systems)
Research: EECS 399 - Database Research under Professor H V Jagadish
Awards: Engineering Dean's List 2014-2015
Work Experience
Developed areas of the testing framework:
Created complex queries to strain the database; expose potential issues.
Worked on deep query semantics with the N1QL team.
Developed customizable, Open Source, social network framework (Touchbase) with Couchbase and Node.js (no prior web experience):
Intelligent search algorithm, modular code design, fully customizable, reusable REST APIs.
In-depth user documentation (architecture, index of REST APIs, etc.), as well as technical blogs about development process.
Touchbase is currently being made into a sample app to show how to use N1QL and Node.js.
Worked closely with traders, and financial software and built foundational understanding of financial analysis and trading.
Maintained daily cash flow balances, and used aspects of code in Microsoft Excel to automate parts of the process.
Talked to partners and worked on crucial trades using Charles Rivers to execute trades in expanding global markets.
Web Dev - Backend
Couchbase Server
Node.js (Express Framework)
Database & Query
Couchbase N1QL (SQL for JSON documents)
SQLWeb Dev - FrontendAngular.js
Material DesignCore LanguagesC++
GoLang (Beginner)MobileIonic Framework
Swift (Beginner)Other SkillsUser/Design Documentation
Technical Blogging
Bash Scripting